September 26, 2002

spiders, soup and soldiers

Long phone conversations about spiders and sea cucumbers and cool surgeries we saw on the Health Channel amidst teasing and joking and laughing almost made my day (yesterday) complete..

Aspen showing up on my doorstep with Nyquil, a cup of soup and a black and white film I haven�t seen yet (by Fritz Lang no less) helped.

And so did a bit of deja vu because I saw the boy I mentioned at the end of this entry again. This time I was reading, "Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII" by: John Cornwell and he was reading "Hitler�s Jewish Soldiers" by I don�t know why.. but I do know that I need to sit down and have coffee with this boy, I mean how often do you run across a beautiful boy with a World War II obsession?

Addition 4:48 p.m.

Blue, Token, Aspen and Flick are all working tonight.. and I really wanted to eat Olive Garden salad and drink girlie drinks with little pink umbrellas in them while the boys drank something manly like Jack Daniels and made fun of me for drinking "bitch berry juice." But now I guess I�ll just go home and do some more packing.. watch my room get more and more empty.. jerks.. :P

12:02 p.m.

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