January 16, 2003

tiny, tiny, little things

Last night I went to sleep smiling..

Because of two girls who are so sweet, affectionate and open that I couldn�t help but feel touched by their clubbing invitations and offers of friendship.

Because of a boy whose ego is still a bit bruised over something that happened years ago.. yet he�ll look over at me with an arrogant smile on his face while he holds his head up high and puts extra effort into his dance moves.

Because of a pretty boy with chin length pink and black hair who put off his Chinese Culture homework in order to go see me. Who called me a few hours after he left and spent almost an hour talking about everything under the sun while he worked up the courage to invite me to hang out with him one on one. Who then refused to get off the phone until we made plans more solid than, �Give me a call whenever you have time.�

Because of a friend who remembered my World War II obsession and went out of her way to let me know about a lecture being given at the Jewish Community Center this Sunday about concentration camps.

Because that friend�s husband and I sat and talked about the military and the lack of hot women in uniform and how I wish I had been born a boy [because I would have been in military school from the age of seven and a Navy Seal by now].

But most of all I went to bed smiling because a certain bitter boy wasn�t there tonight. And however much I hate to admit it, having him sitting across from me and sulking and refusing to acknowledge my existence really does affect my overall enjoyment.

((On a totally unrelated note, do any of you get a headache and start feeling a bit nauseous when you stretch/gauge your ears?))

2:34 p.m.

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