August 20, 2002

just moments

Last night was interesting, strange, lovely and yet so simple.

Dash and I went to the Willow House for what we thought would be a quiet evening with two or three friends. Instead, we got a social event of sorts with twenty plus people filling up three of the picnic tables on the patio.

Chess tournaments were played, jokes were told, stories shared, friends made.. and when the coffee house closed at midnight the six or seven of us still there walked across the street to one of the employee�s apartments and drank beer and talked some more.

The strange part is that I didn�t spend any time with Dash or the boys we went there to meet. Instead I talked with an old friend or two and some new acquaintance-friends all night long. It was refreshing and pleasant yet sad. I don�t know if I could even articulate why.. But a few of us made plans for future coffee shop meetings and a night or two of 80�s dancing.. so I�m almost happy today.. I have something to look forward to.

Even stranger is the fact that the boy whose apartment we went to is Anime�sdoppelganger. I swear he is. It�s almost creepy how similar they are. I kept wanting to do things like playful punch him and give him hugs.. things that are perfectly normal with good friends, but not with new acquaintance-friends..

8:54 a.m.

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