August 01, 2002

poptarts & paintings

I never would have believed it, but I actually missed school and what�s even more strange is that people missed me.

One boy gave me a hug and took me for a ride on his Vespa..

Another presented me with a strawberry poptart saying that he remembered I like eating them at night..

Another ran over, picked me up and swung me around and around until we both fell over laughing..

I got a few invitations to go out sometime..

Pretty much everyone I recognized said they�d been wondering about me and missed me..

It was actually really nice, though a bit unexpected. I�ve never tried to make friends there, quite the opposite really, I�ve always sat in the corner with my headphones on, ignoring the other students when I could. But somehow, every new class I start there�s a few boys that decided I�m worth the effort and always sit next to me, comment on my work, ask my opinion of theirs, invite me to go eat with them at break.. I�ve never understood what it is about me that attracts them.. especially since a good portion of the time they�re Fraternity type pretty boys.

The other students notwithstanding though, this class will be hell. The teacher is everything I remembered.. and I�m dreading the next few weeks.

8:40 a.m.

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