September 12, 2002

and the clock is tick tick ticking away

In about a month I�m moving and this time I want to do things right.

This time I won�t move away without letting any of my friends know.

This time I�ll keep in touch with those few who are important to me, who I�d like to still see on occasion.

This time I�ll call and email and send postcards and drive up every once in a while and give out invitations to come and stay with me for a weekend.

At first the thought of leaving filled me with cheerless images and mirthless thoughts, but you know I�m kind of looking forward to it now.

I�m excited by the prospect of a new room with new furniture and looking forward to decorating it.

I�m excited about getting a new start, even if it is in a city I�ve lived in before.

I�m excited (and nervous and scared) about all the time Link and I will be spending together.

I�m filled with images of things that will very likely come to pass..

2:26 p.m.

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