October 18, 2002

three days three carloads

And I�m feeling distant / detached / disjoined / dispirited. Almost as if everything in my life is a dream and I�m walking through the mist not feeling the soft clouds and/or hot coals beneath my feet. Passing the time before I wake silently watching a play being acted out before me without fully realizing that I�m the main character.

Addition 10:02 a.m.

Mahira and her friend Tahir took me to fire practice last night. It�s amazing how different their lives are from my own. Politically, aesthetically, emotionally.. yet on some level it connects.. because we�re all trying to carve out our own path in a world filled with mindless drones obsessed with normalcy and quotas.

Mahira found Bellydancing and Poi as her place to expresses her individuality and sentience I wonder where I�ll eventually find mine?

9:40 a.m.

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