December 10, 2002

the dream is always nice..

There�s a certain mystique to waking up at the crack of dawn..

To putting on a long black flowing skirt and pretty form fitting black velvet top and combat boots..

To getting in your car and driving with the heater on.

Driving while the sun and birds and world still sleep.

Driving and knowing that you could drive forever. Drive while the world wakes. Drive as it goes about it�s busy daytime tasks. Drive while it prepares to rest once more.

And stop. Stop when it wakes up all over again. Stop and stay there for a while. Wherever there is.

Or you could just go to work.. which is what I�m going to do.

To a job I really think I�ll enjoy.. Even if the human resources director did look at me like I was crazy when I asked if short skirts and combat boots are okay, and if I could dye my hair pink or blue or purple and get facial piercings.

6:48 a.m.

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