September 14, 2002

eyes in the window

There�s nothing quite like the feeling of waking up to the realization that someone�s outside your window trying to look in through the slits in your blinds..

That was the happy sight I woke up to this morning. Of course, it wasn�t a total surprise since he�s been doing it for about a year and a half now. Perhaps I should be flattered. I mean, boys are said to lose interest rather quickly and it does show great dedication on his part..

I think I�ll leave him a note when I move out. I�ll tape it to my bedroom window. How does this sound?

Dear Pervert,

I am writing to inform you that our time together has come to an end. I wish I could say that I will miss you, but that would be a lie. Please don�t be sad; I�m sure you will have no problem finding some other girl to spy on. Remember that this is a college town, with an ever changing stream of potential victims. However, on the off chance that you do have difficulties finding a replacement, I would like to offer up a few suggestions:

(1) Pornography. I hear you can find it quite cheap now days.

(2) Prostitutes. Apache Blvd is but a short walk away and if those ladies are not to your liking, I�m sure you�d have no problem finding a bus that goes to Van Buren.

(3) A girlfriend. Maybe it sounds like a lot of trouble, but just think about the benefits, I mean, you wouldn�t have to stand outside in the cold and squint whilst trying to look through tiny holes in order to watch her sleep.

(4) God. I personally don�t believe in him, but I hear being �saved� can do wonders for you. Plus, just think of all those virginal girls. I bet you could get at least half of their addresses if you go to their church..

Anyway, I hope these ideas are at least somewhat helpful.

The girl you�ve been bothering for over a year now.

8:25 p.m.

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