June 17, 2002

Monet never had it so good

Yesterday was, to use a kimism, full of squishy goodness. Blue and I went comic book shopping and found many treasures. I picked up the latest issue of Gloomcookie, a Spooky squeaky toy that my cats are terrified of, and the first issue of Nightmares & Fairytales, and Scary Miss Mary which came with stickers. Blue got the JTHM trade paperback, a Happy Noodle Boy shirt, and the barbie and ken version of Gomez and Morticia Addams which he gave to me as an un-birthday present because I *really* wanted it, but couldn�t afford it being the broke college student that I am. This made me squeak with joy, startling a lady who was there to buy her grandson poke-man cards rather badly. It also made him my hero for the day.. aww..

We also went to a coffee shop next to a lake where we drank mochas and feed the ducks, went treasure hunting in a few thrift stores, and created some masterpieces using the tried and true method of finger-painting. Um, yeah. Maybe not as fun as creating your own religion like devallyk did, but enjoyable nevertheless.

2:15 p.m.

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