November 22, 2002

four more days

There is hope on the horizon. A tiny speck of loveliness in the shape of an airplane. Five days of perfection with nothing but a family dinner and a job interview to get in the way.. and it�s okay because it�s not my family, it�s his. That makes even a meal with the parents and grandparent seem enjoyable. Especially when the two sons (Ian and Blue) are my closest friends and their mother likes me enough to go out of her way to make a Thanksgiving meal vegetarian friendly.

I�m looking forward to a few days spent reliving the past. To counting stars and feeding ducks in the park. To old cemeteries and Native American solstice circles. To hiking by moonlight and getting lost along the way. To alcohol and exclusive get-togethers. To stumbling through the door right as the sun is rising and sleeping all day. To long talks and comfortable silences. In short, I�m looking forward to spending time with my best friend.

7:02 p.m.

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