August 15, 2002

they set the rope on fire.. don't let me fall

This morning I finally found my muse. I got up early and spent hours on my portfolio. I�m proud. I�m energized. I�m confident.. or almost. Right now all my hard work is sitting in an envelope somewhere in the Production Center at school. Someone there will print it out for me on pretty, shiny expensive paper. Print it out in full color. I hope it all comes out okay. If one thing goes awry I�m lost. But for now there�s a bit of happiness shining down upon me.

Once I get my things back.. Once I write my paper and finalize my interviews.. Once I print out my resume, cover letter and reference page.. Once I dress up in my vintage business suit and chunky shoes for that professional yet eccentric artsy look. Once I have it all within my grasp.. I just hope it gets that far.

Right now I need to get iced coffee, a folder, so many things. Wish me luck. Send me your positive thoughts. I�ll need them.

3:00 p.m.

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