August 08, 2002

you want a lawsuit with those fries?

So there�s a 56 year old man named Caesar Barber who is suing McDonald�s, Wendy�s, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Why is he suing these establishments you ask? He alleges that they made him obese, caused him to have two heart attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

I just finished hearing a debate of NPR news between a spokesman for the fast food industries and one of his lawyers and I�m more than just a little annoyed.

According to Barber�s lawyers, overweight Americans are so impressionable, so ignorant and unable to make even the most simple of decisions for themselves, that they have no choice but to gorge themselves on fast food. Apparently the fast food industry is evil because they tempt us with burgers and french fries and advertise their products on television and over the radio..

Barber is quoted as saying, "They said '100 percent beef.' I thought that meant it was good for you, I thought the food was OK. Those people in the advertisements don't really tell you what's in the food. It's all fat, fat and more fat. Now I'm obese. The fast food industry has wrecked my life." Actually buttercup, your own stupidity wrecked your life. Anyone who thinks that 100% beef means 100% healthy deserves to have a heart attack. Anyone who can stuff their face with fast food all day long, refuse to work out, and honestly be surprised when they grow to the size of a small whale doesn�t deserve money, they deserve to be in an institute for the mentally challenged. I can�t be the only one who believes in Social Darwinism?

I have no problem with obese people, what I do have a problem with is America�s love affair with frivolous law suits. Get off the couch, pull the burrito out of your mouth and get a fucking job, join a gym, read a book, I don�t care as long as you do something productive and stop being a waste of perfectly good smog-filled air!

2:06 p.m.

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