August 05, 2002

dry well

There�s a drought going around due to a lack of rain, nourishment, sustenance, and I think it�s finally caught up with me because I can�t come up with the right words just now. A drought of the mind.

I�m sitting in a classroom typing these words in an attempt at putting of the inevitable. Putting off making the changes I must make to my portfolio projects for Herr Professor to accept them. Putting off starting two of them over from scratch. Putting off any attempt at creativity, originality, or passion.

Three different boys called this afternoon asking me to go out drinking with them tonight. Another one offered to take me to a movie. This should make me happy shouldn�t it? It should make me feel better? It doesn�t. For some reason I see being around other people as more of a chore than anything else right now. How very sad.

And you know what�s worse than that? The number of entries I end with �How very sad.�

Addition: 9:12 p.m.

Chiv just put a smile on my face.. something that hasn't happened all day. Thank you.

7:03 p.m.

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