January 28, 2003

surprise me with a smile

Last night, a friend of mine drove two and a half hours to see me.

He showed up on my doorstep with a bottle of vodka and a backpack full of cds and movies.

And we went for a walk and got lost. Surrounded by cactus and Palo Verde trees that all look the same.

And we sat under a tree for a while, getting drunk and talking about politics, religion, and history.

We smoked clove after clove and we shook our heads at the state of the world and the stupidity of people who haven�t the slightest idea of what�s going on. People who have better things to think about (although we couldn�t say what) and don�t seem to care a snit about what�s going on around them..

Later, we found our way back and stayed up late. Making the most of having the house to ourselves. Playing loud music and dancing around and around.

He let me paint his nails and I let him take pictures of me in nerd glasses and one of his little emo boy t-shirts.

We made strange food and ate it while watching even stranger movies.

And the last thing I remember before falling asleep is his lips brushing my cheek.

This morning I got up early. Making coffee and running off to work. And even though I was half asleep, it was a good day.. and stupid, angry customers didn�t piss me off.. and getting hit on equally stupid college boys merely amused me..

But the best part of all came at lunch time. Because they said I could take the rest of the day off. And when I walked outside he was sitting there waiting [with coffee]. And we went to a park to feed the ducks and stopped to see free kittens someone was giving away. He fell in love with a little gray one and called his roommates who said they wouldn�t mind if he brought it home.

So right now I have a kitten on the desk next to me. Playing with my necklace and purring up a storm. And I have a crazy boy in the shower who should be out just in time to catch the State of the Union address on television.

And right now, it doesn�t even feel like I�m all alone and isolated.. because, at least for the next few hours, I�m not.

[[And because I know you'll read sometime after you leave here and make the long drive home, Aspen honey, you rock my socks off <3]]

6:52 p.m.

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