October 09, 2002

If Project: October

If it were deemed safe, would you be willing to have technological gadgetry surgically implanted into your body? At what point would you draw the line?

If it were deemed safe? Even if it wasn�t completely safe I would happily go under the needle in order to have certain implants.. a set blades that come out from underneath your fingernails like cat claws come to mind. Or perhaps a plug like those in The Matrix that would allow me to receive large amounts of information or training in minutes. The possibilities are endless and I wouldn�t draw a line anywhere sort of something that would effect my free will.

That said, if extremely advanced technological gadgetry was readily available I�m assuming that genetic splicing would also be a possibility and that would undoubtedly be my first choice. I wouldn�t mind a few changes in my physical appearance (though I�m rather happy with it) if it meant I could gain the senses and agility of say, a cougar.

Genetic mutation in order to gain psionic abilities would also rank above surgical implants. Telepathy, telekinetics, clairvoyance, teleportation, precognition.. the list is infinite and I would be eager to gain most of them.

4:17 p.m.

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